Officials from the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) engaged with Ankole Western University (AWU) regarding her application for a Charter submitted earlier this year. The Vice Chancellor Dr. Andrew Ainomugisha delivered a comprehensive presentation to the NCHE assessment team, outlining AWU’s readiness for the Charter award.
In attendance were key members of the University Council, including Chairperson Dr. Karema Nathan, Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu, Dr. Madard Twinamatsiko, and Prof. Nganwa Alex. Prof. Kamuntu reinforced the Diocese of West Ankole’s (DOWA) ongoing commitment to the university’s development.
NCHE officials shared a detailed compliance checklist, which will guide their evaluation of the institution’s readiness. Following the meeting, the team conducted a campus tour to inspect the facilities and infrastructure.
Tomorrow, the NCHE team will meet with students, academic and support staff, and conduct a review of the university’s operational systems.